Koning Willem 1 College, the Netherlands
In 2008, Dentsply Sirona set up a completely new treatment room in a new college building at the Koning Willem 1 College in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. The aim was to simulate practice-like situations to enable students to train realistically in a new modern practice room with six complete clinical treatment centers fully equipped by Dentsply Sirona, including patient simulators and phantom heads. We talked to Anke van Lieshout-Steenbakkers of the Koning Willem 1 College about the project and her working relationship with Dentsply Sirona.
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Koning Willem I College, The Netherlands 166 kB
Read the interview with Anke van Lieshout-Steenbakkers of the Koning Willem 1 College in Den Bosch.
“It is first and foremost practical simulations that make lessons interesting.”