With the following collection of tutorial videos, we answer frequently asked user questions about the general functionalities of Sidexis 4 as well as specific tools. We continue to grow the video database so you can maximize the benefits of working with Sidexis 4 and all of the Dentsply Sirona Imaging Solutions.
Sidexis 4 and SiroCam - Configuration
Sidexis 4 is known for its connectability to your practice network. Benefits of connections will be clear, especially when set up for Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers. You will learn how to define useful configurations for optimal use.
Sidexis 4 and Sinius - Plugin Configuration
Sidexis 4 is known for its connectability to your practice network. Benefits of connections will be clear, especially when set up for Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers. You will learn how to define useful configurations for optimal use.
Sidexis 4 and Treatment Centers - Configure Keys
Sidexis 4 is known for its connectability to your practice network. Benefits of connections will be clear, especially when set up for Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers. You will learn how to define useful configurations for optimal use.
Sidexis 4 and Treatment Centers-Configure Media Files
Sidexis 4 is known for its connectability to your practice network. Benefits of connections will be clear, especially when set up for Dentsply Sirona Treatment Centers. You will learn how to define useful configurations for optimal use.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Delete Media and Patients
Get to know how to delete patients and/or media. Please note that several security settings will have to be done in order to be able to delete data. Therefore, please see tutorial “Deletion Routine” first.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Define Deletion Routine
In this video you will learn which presets for deleting patients and/or media have to be done and how they can be entered.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Endo Layout
Get to know the new „Endo Layout“ for diagnosing 3D renderings. With the help of this new feature, it easy to bring two objects into the same plane, e. g. neighboring root canals.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Flipping Images
This tutorial introduces two new filters to you – invert and colorize. Moreover, you will learn how to flip intraoral phosphor plate images or photos.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Configuration Patient Detail Displays
With the following collection of tutorial videos, we answer frequently asked user questions about the general functionalities of Sidexis 4 as well as specific tools. We continue to grow the video database so you can maximize the benefits of working with Sidexis 4 and all of the Dentsply Sirona Imaging Solutions.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - STL Import
As of Sidexis 4 V 4.3 it is possible to import STL-files for storage in PDATA, listing on the Timeline or moving within the lightbox. This tutorial will guide you through the import workflow accordingly.
Sidexis 4 V 4.3 - Transfer Curve Editor
For customized impressions of 3D renderings, this video will train you on how to use the new transfer curve editor. You can create individual presets, which can be selected for future cases.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 - How to Change Tooth Numbering
In this video you will learn how to change tooth numbering between ADA and FDI guidelines, if required.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 - Setup Practice Informations
You can create your own header for print-outs. Learn to to set up your practice information accordingly.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 - Add Users
Different users can be created in Sidexis 4. Accordingly patients can be dedicated to different users, indications will be personalized etc. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up users.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 - Reminders
In Sidexis 4 Start Phase, you can make the software remind you on important dates or activities. This video will show you how to set appointments.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Add Templates for Intraoral Image Series
Sidexis 4 offers the possibility to use templates for acquiring and viewing intraoral image series. As of Sidexis 4 V 4.2 an integrated editor enables you to create your own, customized templates. Learn how to set up your individual templates in this tutorial.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Edit Templates for Intraoral Image Series
Sidexis 4 offers the possibility to use templates for acquiring and viewing intraoral image series. As of Sidexis 4 V 4.2 an integrated editor enables you to edit the existing presets to your own requirements. You will learn how to edit in this tutorial.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Default Image Enhancements for Intraoral images
As of Sidexis 4 V 4.2 you may edit your default settings for enhancement filters on intraoral images, acquired by Xios XG Supreme or Schick 33 sensors. This tutorial will guide you through the process of customizing your default settings.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Add patients
This video will show you how to add a new patient to Sidexis 4 list of patients. It will also include an example on how a patient can be created by using practice management software.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Timeline
The Sidexis 4 Timeline offers a unique way of listing patients’ images in a chronological order, which both gives you the perfect overview as well as a modern reputation for patient communication. In this video, you will learn how to navigate in the Timeline, how to filter for different media or anatomical regions and how to process the chosen media to your work spaces.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Import Images
Sidexis 4 offers a quick and intuitive way of importing media. This tutorial will guide you through the import workflow of 2D images and Dentsply Sirona 3D images.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Import 3rd Party CBCT data
As of Sidexis 4 V 4.2 it is now possible to also import CBCT data from 3rd party manufacturers. This tutorial will show you how to carry out the import, which requires just one more step than for Dentsply Sirona 3D images.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Acquiring Intaoral Images
This video will show you how to acquire a single intraoral exposure with Xios XG or Schick sensors.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Acquiring Intraoral Image Series
In Sidexis 4 you can acquire intraoral series. The following tutorial will guide you through the software process for Xios XG and Schick sensors.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Acquiring Images with USBCams
Images, taken under the Dentsply Sirona Video Module can be captured through Sidexis 4. The images will be shown in the patient’s Timeline and can be displayed in the according Light Box. In this video, you will learn how to capture images, based on the example of USBCAM 4.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Light Box and Intraoral Series
The Sidexis 4 Light Box offers you numerous possibilities how to arrange selected images to your requirements. Furthermore, displaying intraoral image series is intuitive and offers to swap image positions easily as of Sidexis 4 V 4.2. This tutorial will show you some example how to arrange images to your individual needs.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Tools Menu
See how to use some of the most important functions within Sidexis 4 V 4.2 Tools menu within your work spaces.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Compare – 2D Images
The unique Compare work space in Sidexis 4 enables you to compare two CBCTs or up to four 2D images simultaneously. This tutorial will show you how to work with 2D images in the Compare mode.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Diagnose Tab
Sidexis 4 offers a “Diagnose” Tab in which you can enter your findings easily. Furthermore, Sidexis 4 can readjust your image display to the enhancements you made when entering the finding. Patient communication thus becomes as easy as ever. Learn how to use your Diagnosis Tab in the following video.
Sidexis 4 V 4.2 – Export Options
Sidexis 4 offers different ways on how to export media. This tutorial will give you a brief overview on the different export formats and how to carry out an export.
Sidexis 4 V 4.1.3 – Move Image
As of Sidexis 4 V 4.1.3 it is possible to move an image from one patient to another, if required. The according tutorial will show you how to do so.
Sidexis 4 V 4.1.3 – SICAT Suite
As of Sidexis 4 V 4.1.3 SICAT applications like SICAT Air and SICAT Function will be integrated in Sidexis 4. Learn how to access the optional applications in Sidexis 4.